It Doesn't Hurt to Try

Back in September our nurses at the Reproductive Care Center called us.  They had just met with the rep for Ferring Pharmaceuticals and had an offer for us.  Ferring was sponsoring an essay contest for those who had used their drug during IVF and were successful in getting a baby.  The nurses, after months of treatments and doctor appointments, were now our friends and thought of us for this contest.I ended up putting it off until the day it was due a month later and was under the gun to try and write an essay as well as get my doctor's signature that the information was accurate, gather photos that they needed, blah, blah, blah.  It seemed like a lot to do and I considered just ignoring the whole thing.Then I realized that I could piggyback off my blog writings - why start from scratch when I had plenty right here at my fingertips!  I sifted through a few key blog posts that reflected what I wanted to say about our invitro process and pieced together what I wanted for my essay.  Our Reproductive Care nurses were fabulous enough to get the right paperwork faxed back to me in the middle of all the other things they had to do that day.  With photos chosen and package compiled, we sent our entry to Ferring just in time.A few weeks ago we received a Fed Ex letter saying that I had won the essay contest and I just received an email saying that the prize, a $3,000 scholarship for Coleman, had been transferred to his education fund.  We were so excited and I admit, I am very proud of myself for winning.  But it still kind of amazes me that I almost didn't even try.  Things were busy, there were quite a few steps to follow to enter the contest, I was probably feeling like a regular tired mom that day - and I almost just ignored the opportunity in favor of a nap.When my niece, Brynne was in junior high she ran for student council every year.  Every year she lost.  Her sophomore year of high school she ran for junior class officer.  Worried that she might be setting herself up for more disappointment, my sister asked her daughter, "What if you don't win?"  Brynne said, "Mom, I already know what it feels like to lose.  I'd like to see if I can win."

That year, after four years of trying, she won.  She won the next year also and had a fabulous experience planning, leading, learning, making friends, and doing all the things that student officers experience.  But what if she had given up?  Watching Brynne taught me a lesson that I still think of often.  Even if you don't win, it doesn't hurt to try.It's almost the beginning of a new year - now is the time for a fresh start, don't you think?  Afterall, it doesn't hurt to try.


The Magic of Hope

