I want Coleman to love things.  To love life.  To love friends.  To love family.  To love reading.  To love soccer or lacrosse or chess or whatever activity he chooses.  Jason is a very loyal, passionate person.  He is a super fan of so many things, including Cole and I. I want Coleman to feel that same passion for whatever he chooses to do in his life.  Including his faith.There is so much good in the world.  So many good people who believe in doing good and being good.  I am grateful for the opportunity to rub shoulders and be friends with people of all faiths and beliefs.  But I think I'm not alone when, as a parent, I want my child to feel as strongly about his faith as I do.  I want him to be proud to believe in things of the spirit.  I want him to know it for himself and by knowing it, choose to live it.  I want him to love it.


I think I want this for the simple reason that I know life is challenging.  My faith has guided me, strengthened me, and given me peace during dark, difficult times.  I would love for my son to feel that same sense of strength throughout his life as he faces the natural twists and turns, ups and downs that our journey takes.I'm sure these thoughts are on my mind right now because Jason is back in the hospital for an 8-week stay.  He just finished 6 weeks in the hospital this fall from surgery on a bone that was causing chronic bedsores.   Unfortunately, that surgery didn't heal properly so the surgeon had to go back in a second time.  We had a fabulous holiday with our families and after two weeks of cousins and food and laughter and fun, we left grandma's house to drop Jason off at the hospital while Cole and I headed home.  Surgery was two weeks ago (two weeks down - hooray!) and Jason is actually doing amazingly well as he is required to lay on the fancy no-pressure sand bed to heal.


Life brings challenges.  Adversity is around the corner.  Faith doesn't solve the problem or take it away but it helps us manage our struggles.  And sometimes that's all we need.  Here's to faith - whatever yours is, wherever it's found.  May you find hope and peace and courage to help you work through anything life throws you.Faith - Love It.For those of you out there who loved Ann Dibb's talk about being a Mormon, here's her quotable quote from that lovely talk.  Free Printable....Yes!  I can see this in our Activity Days future.click: I'm a Mormon QuoteI'm a Mormon Quote - cropped


From Survival to Healthy - My Traditional + Holistic Approach


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