Here's the Deal

I'm sure you have been wondering why I have been strangely silent over the last few weeks.  Well, here's the deal.  I am having postpartum issues.  True story.  A few weeks ago I had the flu and never seemed to really recover from it.  Instead, I felt like I was spiraling downward rapidly.In all of our challenges over the years, I have never had this kind of experience before.  I am amazed at the reality of postpartum depression and how it feels to wonder if this person that you have become will be like this forever.  I was shocked by how quickly it snuck up on me - but grateful that I was able to recognize it quickly and get some help.Jason has been wonderful.  I am so grateful he works at home as well so that I don't feel quite so alone.  I am doing much better over the last few days but it's been tricky for a few weeks.  I haven't been able to accomplish much and that includes my blog.  But we're moving forward.  I have strategies of how I have been doing that and will write about those later.  Today I mostly just wanted to give you a heads up as to what is going on and why there isn't a download again this week.But don't worry!  Moving forward is what life is all about and so I'll be back on track soon.  I really am doing better than I was a few weeks ago so I have hope that all will be well.  Little Cole has been my saving grace - but again, I'll write about how later.  Thanks for all of your support, love, encouragement and care via cyberspace.I'll be back soon - you can count on it.  Here's a photo for your viewing pleasure of Jason playing with the Cole-meister in the Bumbo.  (And for those of you wondering - we only have him up on the counter when we are right there hanging on to him so he is safe and sound - never fear!  It's a great way for Jason to get on his level - face to face and grin to grin.)bumbo


There's Hope

