Good Things Come In 3s



"A Life Well Crafted" started today!  I'm taking a deep breath as we gear up for a year of inspirational messages, fabulous projects and lots of other goodies as we spend the next 12 months together.Already the gallery is full of students individual takes on the pre-workshop projects and I am amazed by the use of the color purple there!  I love it.There is still time to join us in this experience - just click here to register for the month-to-month option or here if you want to take advantage of the full-year savings option.I have had many emails and questions about the workshop where people wonder if they can commit to a whole year of a class.  Here is some insight to our approach to a workshop like this and my philosophy when it comes to your commitment to everything offered in the class.1.  You don't have to complete everything. We offer a lot of "stuff" for you to try each month with the hope that there will be something for everyone in there.  But you get to pick and choose what you want to do.2.  You can use whatever supplies you want. Yes, I use certain scrapbooking goodies and techniques that are fun to try if you want but I believe that EVERYTHING can be adapted to fit your needs - a different size, a different shape, a different embellishment, a different technique, whatever.  This is your class - therefore you get the freedom to fit each project to your style, your time, your loves, your budget...YOU!3.  Listen to or read the audio files first. Each  month we have created an audio message for you - starting in February that audio will be accompanied by a slide show presentation.  Read, listen to or watch the audio message first because everything else throughout the month, including the project, relates to that.4.  Don't put pressure on yourself. This journey together is meant to be reflective, creative and stretching but most of all, enjoyable!  Think of it as a year of tidbits to remind you of who you are, what you want to become and loving life.5.  Try the monthly option if you aren't sure about a whole year. If you don't know if you can commit to all twelve months then sign up for January.  I have just been notified that at the end of January there will be a continued offer to "upgrade" to the full-year version.  So, give it a try.6.  I haven't taken any classes from BPS - how does it work? Just go to and click on "classes."  Then go to "workshops" and click on either the January or year-long version of "A Life Well Crafted."  Then once you register for the workshop you will have access to the classroom.  In the classroom, use the left bar to navigate to all the different parts of the workshop.  New items will come available on Thursdays so check back throughout the month for all of the updated handouts, templates, and other fun stuff.  Even though new items are available only at certain times throughout the month, you get to access it all at your leisure any time after they have been posted.7.  Is there anything that I will miss if I don't log on at a certain time and day? The only thing that is "scheduled" are the live chats each month with Jason and I (click on "chats" in the classroom for times and days).  Everything else will go live at different times throughout the month and you can access it when you want.Let me know if you have any other questions but in the meantime - I hope to see you in class!  There is still time to register.


Now, about Project 365 of Gratitude - I have been on the Creating Keepsakes website since the kit became available with no luck - the servers are totally overloaded and so are the phone lines (I love that it's so popular!).  Here's the thing - I don't need the actual kit to do Project 365.  It would be much easier for me to have everything done so I could just slip it in the sheet protectors but if you have been trying to order a kit like I have, you know that it's been a little challenging and we might have to have Plan B.So, we shall see what happens.  I have a confirmation number but $0.00 on the total so I don't know if I actually have been successful or not.  In the meantime, I'm going to start snapping photos and jotting down a sentence each day so whenever I get the kit I'm ready to go - even if it's in May!  It will be fabulous!  Click here for more information about Project 365 of Gratitude.


I just received a phone call from my neighbor across the street wondering when their family could come over to help me take down our Christmas tree.  How did she know that I have been trying to figure out how I was going to make that happen?  They helped me put up my wreath over the mantle and in the process put together the tree for me a month ago.  I don't know what I would have done without them.  Their kids even came back over to do the ornaments. So, my plan was to take down the decorations and have them help me get the tree back in it's box but they are having nothing to do with that idea - in her kind way she said they would all just come over and do the ornaments and everything on Saturday. We work very hard to be independent at our house - simply because we need so much help with physical things in general that we like being independent where possible.  But I'm incredibly grateful for wonderful neighbors who see a need and are willing to pitch in to help.  Thank you, Sandy.   You have taken a load off my mind today.


Man On the Inside


Download Day a Little Late