For the Working Mom

Let's answer this question first: How will they actually suffer?

What if they learn to cook dinner on their own?
What if they learn to have fun with a babysitter?
What if they learn how to accomplish their homework without being managed by mom?

What if they learn that their mom loves them and loves herself, too?
What if they learn that their mom wants to contribute to the world and to her family?
What if their mom shows them exactly how to go for their own goals?

How will they become more self-sufficient?
More able to cope with change?
More independent?
More helpful with their siblings?
More able to make their own fun?
More able to make their own decisions?
More able to live without you when they leave home?

Sure, things will probably change when you go back to work..
But is that really a bad thing?

Try this question instead:
How are my kids NOT going to suffer as I go back to work?

Let your brain work on that for awhile, sis.
You've got this.👊🏻💙



