Download Day - Everything

Jason and I recently went to the Michael Buble' concert and loved every second of it except the 45 minutes it took to get off the freeway.  However, in spite of the gridlock and honking and trying to get more than one car through the green light each time, he was actually able to pull off the seemingly impossible combination of old-time crooner sounding contemporary.I always think of his song, "Everything" as being Cole's song because it is the first track on the DVD slideshow I made of all of Cole's photos from his first year of life.  He knows that when he hears that song that his movie is on and heads over to the television to watch it.

Listening to MB perform it made me want to create a label for Download Day.  It can be used as a tag or on a card or just cut it out and place it in between the keys on someone's computer keyboard, attach it to their mirror or tuck it in their briefcase.  "Everything" is a message that can be used everywhere and for anyone that you want to pass a smile on to.Enjoy a little bit of "Everything" today.


Kissing Cousins


Here's to Family