
Times have changed.  We live in a world where information is at our fingertips - literally.  We can Google our neighbors, our office coworkers or even the last person we met at a party and often find at least something about them on the internet.  Sometimes I feel like that is a bad thing - all this information just for the taking.  But more and more I have come to love the accessibility of people via cyberspace.I have re-found many people on Facebook and love it when someone from my distant past wants to be my friend (such as my college roommate Jessica,  my high school friend Stephenie, or even my boss, Tad from the toy store I worked at during high school).  So it comes as no surprise that when I received a comment on my blog from my college friend, Jody that I was thrilled to know that she had found me after all these years.jodyBut it's interesting how the people we are in our younger years manifests itself as we grow into adults.  Almost 20 years have passed since we were friends but as I clicked on Jody's blog, I was immediately reminded of who Jody was when we were dating roommates at BYU.  She was fun and clever and a good friend.  She could sing like Snow White and was quick to laugh.  We carried out schemes like sneaking into the off-limits boys' dorm after hours to plaster their room with some new joke or sign of our undying affection (of course no one would see us hauling a bed sheet full of balloons up the back stairs of the dorm).  Each of these outings could have that gotten us sent home from the largest private university with very high standards of conduct - all in the name of adventure.heart attackJody made the best oatmeal cookies.  And she was the one who taught me that along with my standard grated cheese, milk and salt and pepper - add onion salt  to my scrambled eggs as the secret ingredient.  I have used that trick forever and am so proud of myself when people agree that they are the best scrambled eggs they've ever tasted.  So when I saw that Jody had compiled a blog of recipes, complete with photos and her unique brand of humor, I was assaulted with memories.  She is who she is.  Older.  Wiser.  More experienced.  But still the same Jody that I knew all those years ago.Check out Jody's blog here - I think that you foodies out there will especially love it.  She is quite the gourmet cook.  As for me, instead of tackling new recipes (not my favorite thing), I will probably visit her blog just to get a taste of Jody, my re-found friend.And speaking of making distant connections, Jason and I are giving the keynote address at the Memory Works Retreat this week.  They have a fabulous thing going with monthly kits and great business opportunities.  Amber Crowell, who is the founder of Memory Works, married Kevin Crowell.  Kevin was my first "boyfriend" in junior high.  How's that for reconnecting?

Kevin & I as partners in our junior high show choir


Download Day - It's Back


There's Hope