Cole at 28 Months

How are you supposed to describe the age of Cole right now?  I don't know.  28 months old.  It seems like he's beyond this "age by month" stage but he's past two and not yet two-and-a-half.  Experienced moms out there - teach me.  Guide me.  I am a willing listener to your wisdom in this crucial matter.  OK, it's not so crucial or even remotely important.  But I'm curious nonetheless.While I wait for your instruction, this crazy, Cole-filled life is exactly that - full.  Of course our little man takes up our time and our energy.  But there is something more going on.  It's like he fills the room.  Not so much in a loud way, although he is noisy enough as he swings his toddler golf clubs or becomes an expert wiggle-car driver or dunks the three feet required to score a point on his basketball hoop.  "Down - Set - Hike!" and "Cole's turn!" are frequently yelled, often accompanied by the slap-slap, slap-slap of size 6 feet learning to run, gallop and jump.

No, the essence of Cole is more than his noise.  As he grows from being a baby to a little boy it is becoming more and more clear that he has inherited his father's gift for making friends.  Whether he is hanging out my office window shouting a one-sided conversation to the wandering ducks or waving to the cars that pass by on our bike rides, his inherent desire to be friendly charms me and those around him.  There is a sense of self I see emerging that thrills me because, as we all know, the confidence that comes from making conversation and being interested in others is a quality that can lead to great happiness in life.  I want him to care about others and to find joy in building relationships.  And it doesn't hurt that he has a winning smile to back up all that charm.Love you, little one.


(not sure why you call me this but it's your current favorite name for Mama)


Kitchen Time


Another Anniversary