A Christmas First

I think it goes without saying that we are loving our first Christmas with a little one in the house.  Things are just different this year.  We find ourselves wanting to do things that maybe we didn't care about before simply because we want to start our own Christmas traditions with Coleman.Over the years we have never collected very many ornaments for a tree.  In fact, we often didn't even have a tree because either our space was too small or we were going to be gone for the holidays and I didn't want to bother with it.  Last year, when we moved into our new home we got a tree that could last us for a long time.  I looked at the our ornaments that we had saved from our childhood or gathered from places we had traveled and it was a meager collection at best.

We have heard of many of you who get one ornament for your children or grandchildren each year to add to their collections and have decided to do the same in our family.  We like things to have meaning of some sort and so I hunted and hunted for something that would represent our little man this year.  In my search I found the following stocking letters from Anthropologie and immediately fell in love.  I knew that they would be perfect for his "first ornament."  They didn't have an "O" and so I decided to substitute it with a round ornament we already had.  I think I like it even better this way than if it matched.So here's to new ornaments, new traditions and new memories.  Cole likes to crawl under the tree on his way from one room to the other and likes to look at himself in the shiny ornaments on the bottom branches but so far we've been safe from any "baby destruction."  And trust me, we're not giving him any ideas!

Have a fabulous week and consider creating a collection of your ornaments this year.  I used three storyboard collage templates and placed them onto one document to create my ornament layout in photoshop.  Love those storyboards!Enjoy!



