Coleman and Jason speaking at an elementary school assembly

Coleman and Jason speaking at an elementary school assembly


When Jason broke his neck at age 15, his dad came into his hospital room one day.
Jason was in traction, lying flat on his back.
His dad told him that everyone in the family had chores to do – and that Jason was no different.
He showed his son a set of white 5”x7” notecards. On these cards were Jason’s chores.

One card had a list of goals he was to accomplish each day.

  • read faith scriptures

  • listen to a motivation tape

  • pray

  • listen to uplifting music

  • watch something funny

Also listed on that chore card was to read his strengths three times each day.
Jason’s dad had written a list of Jason’s strengths on two cards. His job was to read them every day.


A few years ago I had a thought about my own son.
“Do you have to be 15 years old, lying in a hospital to have someone tell you your strengths?”

The answer was simple and clear.
No. Of course not.
You can be eight years old.
And life can be awesome.

So we began Coleman’s Strengths list.
It’s on his closet door.
We add to it as we think of more strengths.
One of his daily jobs is to read four strengths and report them to me. Chores. Just like his dad had to do.


This week Coleman brought home a Student Council application for sixth grade.
One of the questions was, “What qualities would make you an effective member of student council?”
Coleman made a list:

  • I’m an encourager. I like to help people do their best.

  • I have always liked being a leader. I like planning activities and recycling and service.

  • I am good at selling things and I’m a speaker. I like to motivate others to do good things.

  • I’m good at giving instructions because I am a teacher.

  • I have great school spirit and I like helping others love school, too.

  • I was meant to do this!

Most of those things are on his closet door.
Reading his strengths. A daily chore.
Just like the ones Coleman’s grandpa gave Jason 33 years ago.
And just like Jason, Coleman knows things about himself. Things that will help him conquer this life.

Today Coleman reported that he is compassionate and good with words and a Son of God. Then he said, “And my favorite thing…I am a salesman!”
His dad was a salesman.
And he was dang good at it.
It’s one of my favorite things about Coleman, too.✊🏻💙

Thanks for the chores, Stephen Hall.


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