Caramel Corn

I got some caramel corn on my doorstep on Valentines Day.
We got home later that night and I wasn’t sure who it was from - so, of course, we just checked the front door camera feed.
There he was. Joseph, our neighbor and Jason’s trusted friend, ringing our doorbell then leaving the bowl on the porch.
I texted his wife, my friend Joni.
“Hey! Thanks for the caramel corn!”
She texted back, “That was all Joseph. I didn’t even know he was doing it!”
Then began a series of texts and conversations with Joseph about the caramel corn, Valentine’s Day, and missing a friend who is not with us anymore.
Joseph cares for widows.
He always has.
Now I am one of them.
Someone he can care for like he knows his friend would want to do himself.
On my birthday in March, I drove up to our house and was met with balloons.
I was immediately transported back to the day in 1997 after Jason had been in a terrible car accident. He would end up being in the hospital for 13 months.
I drove home from the hospital one night and was welcomed by new Christmas lights shining bright on our home.
My neighbors had surprised me.
I sat in my driveway with my head on the steering wheel and wept.
I knew was cared for.
I didn’t cry when I saw those birthday balloons this year, but I felt the same feelings as 23 years ago when Christmas lights greeted me.
I felt cared for.
Joseph had a hand in those balloons for my birthday. He says that he wants to be a representative of Jason.
So, he is.
He’s genuine and kind.
He steps in where Jason can’t.
I like that he and Jason have a history together.
I like that they have shared memories and laughs and the trash-talking of rival football teams.
I like that they taught each other things and had moments feeling the influence of a higher power.
I like that Jason loves his friend, Joseph.
And I like being another widow who Joseph cares for.
Jason likes that, too.