
I know. You wish it does.
You might have thought it does.
If a full calendar means you're successful, then you would have purpose for filling up those dates with back-to-back commitments.
Overlapping as you squeeze in a little more productivity.

As I've started my coaching business, people often ask me, "Are you just so busy?"
I'm not busy.
I decided to not be busy on purpose, though.
If I were "so busy" then I wouldn't be accomplishing what I want to accomplish with this coaching thing.

But there's a funny thing that happens in my gut when I'm asked, "Are you just so busy?"
A tension.
Like I'm SUPPOSED to be busy.
Like it's a badge of business honor.
You're successful if you're busy, right?

I feel that initial reaction and then I remember:
Actually, no.
It was my plan all along to NOT be busy.
I'm living my biz exactly how I want to live it.

So, why do I feel that little clench when someone says, "You must be so busy!"
It's just an old habit.
Old ideas.
Old things that I used to think were true.

Sometimes my calendar is quite full. It happens in life.
Most of the time I make sure it's not.
On purpose.

My calendar has lots of blank space.
And I am very successful in my biz.
Those two can exist at the same time.

Do you wonder how?
I can help you figure it out.💙



