Baby Thoughts & Blog Blitz Winners
Last night I felt a little something.I went to the doctor yesterday and he asked:"How is your back - any pain?" - No"How are your ankles - swollen?" - No"How's the nausea?" - None"Your iron is good. Your weight is great. You're perfect!" (I'm very proud of myself by now)."Feel any kicking?" - don't know how it feels so pretty much I don't feel anything."If you feel something like gas bubbles or butterfly fluttering (I knew that much from a book) under your belly button. Ahhh....enlightenment! I needed more direction than just "gas bubbles." Now I knew where to look.So, last night I lay in bed very still like he told me to and felt a few little gas bubbles. Now, I'm still not thinking 100% that it's the baby moving (let's face it - it really could be gas!) but it was a funny little feeling nonetheless that made my heart skip a beat as I wondered...could that really be the baby? It's kind of like my own tiny secret that no one else has - just me and this little guy - in it together.Because I'm a little older, I see the doctor every three weeks. He says I'll start to feel more by my next appointment.I can't wait for it to be enough for Jason to feel them, too.BLOG BLITZ WINNERSDon't worry, I haven't forgotten our winners from yesterday! Thank you to everyone who commented about the Blog Blitz yesterday. That was fun - I just kept thinking...Stacy Julian is brilliant!Here are our 10 winners of the Bazzill Mono Mini album. If you didn't win and want one of these little guys then you'll have to search a little because these are the tiny 2.5x2.5 size and I'm not sure if they are available any more - if you find one then let us know!I had some trouble with the internet last night but all of your comments were there this morning so don't be worried that yours was lost! Here's our list of winners:
- Angela W: This is such a great idea! I would love to win a mini album!
- Michelle: Ali Edward’s doing it, too! This is a movement!!
- heatherhockman: This is the third…no fourth time I’ve read this, and it won’t be the last, but it’s such a cool idea. I’ll be adding it to my blog tonight!
- Rita: I found your site via Stacy’s blog and love your album. I have had a rough September with Hurricane Ike devastating so many of my friends and neighbors. I plan to put the photos I took during the last 2 1/2 weeks to document the PRESENT. Let me tell you, I never lived for every moment until the storm come on land, and then our electricity was out for 13 days. Every moment of the present is precious and valuable…….Rita in Texas
- Phyllis R.: So fun! This morning it has really made me aware of what is going on around me at “the present”. Even just the sounds outside, the garbage truck, the dog chewing on her bone. Sounds silly, but that’s my life right here, right now! Thanks for doing a give away! Looking forward to your year-long class!
- Shaun Paddock: Ok, I have started taking my photos now I just need a place to put them. My fingers are crossed. PS: I am happy that I have found your blog. I will now be a regular reader.
- Jenny: Hi Kolette! Was thinking about you yesterday while I was into AC Moore purchasing your gorgeous stamps!!
Hope your pregnancy is going well. I’m going to snap some random photos today, and hopefully will win the little Mono mini to put them in. Hugs, Jenny in MAine
- Melissa: Love this idea. Right now, I’m not having a hard time living in the moment since my husband just left for a year long deployment. It seems all I am doing is living from one minute to the next, but I’m counting down the time not enjoying it. I’ll be sure to take pictures of the great things I have in my life right now so I can look at it often during this challenging phase.
- Leauriy: I’m loving you cover and your spin on it. Have seen Heidi Swapps, and Ali’s so far.
- Angel S.: What a feeling of accomplishment to finish a whole album! :>) This would be great - love the idea. Thanks!
Each of you email me ( with your address and I'll send you your very own "Be Present Now" album.Thanks for sharing my life with me - yesterday was a great day.[digg=]