Another Week of Gratitude

I thought about playing an April Fool's Day joke on Cole - something like making his formula green - but I figured he wouldn't catch on so I abandoned that plan.  I'm thinking we'll hold off on pranks till he's a little older.But April 1st is always a day of celebration at our house for another reason.  Click here to find out why.We've have a good week here at the Hall house.  Here's a few of the photos from my Project 365 of Gratitude - some of the photos are taken with my Canon SRL and some with my iPhone - whatever I have handy is what I use.  I don't mind the lower quality photos with my iPhone - I'm just glad I have something to capture favorite moments.I got our tax info sent to the accountant - I always love the day that is doneI'm grateful there is a ceiling fan in every room of our house because Cole has a "Fan Fetish" and is totally obsessedI'm grateful Cole likes to hang out with me while I work at the computer - this is supposed to be his "Activity" time...clearly he's caught the vision of the planI've been working on getting us a 3-month supply of food that we normally eat which we will then rotate and replenish as we use it - I'm grateful for this beautiful sight!I'm grateful for a Mom who cherishes my little manI'm grateful our stroller's handle can flip both ways because it makes it easier for Jason to pull him - Cole is holding the mail for usWe've had some great weather and are getting out and about a lot more these days.  Cole is really focusing on us, is more alert, likes to smile, and is ticklish.  He is also getting HUGE!  He's one hefty kid - I think it's all in his cheeks.Have a great week - we have family in town so we're partying it up all together.  We had everyone over to our house last night - 24 of us.  It was a blast.  How do I choose just one photo from the night for my Project 365 of Gratitude?


Giveaway Winners + A Little Gratitude


Download Day - "Beautiful..."