And the Winning Ad Is…

Jason Child - Best Ad Post.jpg

We’ve been running some Facebook ads.
Testing to see the things people are interested in for coaching. Pointing them to buy the book now that it’s available on Amazon.

We have three similar ads running.
But three different messages.
It’s a test. The data will tell us some answers.
The ad with the best results wins.

One ad is about grief and losing my husband.
One ad is about things I learned being married to a quadriplegic.
One ad is advice FROM a quadriplegic. That’s right, it’s advice from Jason.

Right now, Jason’s ad is winning.
And I have to laugh at that.
It’s hilarious and awesome to me. I’m tickled. Gleeful. Delighted. Beaming. Merry.
Thinking about it makes me so happy!

Jason’s still got it.
🪨 It started when he was tiny and he sold rocks to neighbors from the bed of his wagon. Rocks with dirt on them. From his own yard.
His mom said, “You have to sell things that people will want.”
He came home with a fist full of money and an empty wagon.

🎄Then he got a little older and he sold Christmas cards. The cards you could sell off of the back of the Boys Life magazine. Jason’s neighbors personally funded all of his business ventures while growing up.

The year after we were married he started selling life insurance. He became a member of the Million Dollar Round Table that first year in the business. That meant he sold enough to land himself in the top 6% of the industry nationwide. 
He made MDRT every year he sold life insurance.

So it’s no surprise that Jason is still selling at the top of his game.
The guy is magic.
He’s got the winning ad.😂
And I would have been shocked if it had gone any other way.✊🏻💙


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