Kolette Hall

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Your productivity system doesn’t matter.

Q: What is your productivity system?


‘Tis the season for ads about the best productivity system for 2023.


After seeing MULTIPLE ads for productivity systems, I did some high-level research and googled “best productivity systems 2023.” 


It took about 7 seconds for me to scroll and scroll and scroll the list of articles and products that popped up – all with a similar message.


In an online article titled “Best 15 Productivity Systems to Try in 2023” (under the website’s “Career Fast-track” link), a wide variety of apps and strategies for peak performance are detailed.


Another article recommends that you should have a to do list app, a calendar app, a note-taking app, a habit-tracker app, a distraction-blocking app, a screen-recording app, password managers, a mobile scanner, text expansion tools, dictation software, time tracking apps, mind mapping and AI software.


How does all of that feel?


The pressure to live at peak performance is a real thing.

You are a leader.

That means you are the one who gets things done.

You are the one who is innovative and capable. People depend on you.

Maybe your employees call you the “Energizer Bunny” because of your work ethic.


And you get it all done with some kind of productivity system.

You effectively manage your time somehow.

Even if you don’t think you manage your time well, trust me, you do.


But I’m not interested in talking about your productivity system or your time management.


What I want to know is how you FEEL about your productivity and your time.


How do you FEEL about how you spend your time?

What do you feel like you are missing out on?

How do you feel about your level of productivity? Do you think you should be getting more done?

How do you feel when you are spending time with your family? Calm and Abundant? Or distracted, hurried, stressed?

Are you feeling completely at ease and present or are you thinking about that work project that has a deadline looming?

Are you rushing out of the office to try and get to the second half of your daughter’s soccer game when you really wanted to be there for all of it?


Did you know that your productivity system is not going to create peak performance for you?


Your time management system is not going to make you feel abundant about your time.


The creators of each productivity or time system will tell you differently.

They’ll tell you that their system is the answer to feeling more calm.

Their system is the answer to creating space on your calendar to spend time with your family AND achieve at work.

Their system is the answer to feeling like you are spending the right amount of time on the right things.


But this isn’t true.


Every productivity system out there works.

Now I’ll say it again for the people in the back: Every productivity system out there works.


It’s not the system that is the problem.


The effectiveness of your productivity system and time management happens in your mind, not on your calendar.


Productivity is not a “white-knuckle it” kind of experience.

It does not require you to feel pressure or stress or urgency.

You don’t even have to feel busy.


I know. You think that busy-ness creates your effectiveness.

You think that urgency is the same as feeling motivated.

You think that pressure is what yields your highest productivity.


But this isn’t true.

You can feel completely calm and light – and still be highly productive.

You can feel confident that you are spending the right time on the right things – without feeling pressure.

The phrase, “I am so busy” doesn’t even have to cross your mind in order for you to be high-achieving.


Your productivity system doesn’t matter.


Your thoughts and feelings ABOUT your productivity system is what makes it work or not.


  1. What is your productivity and time management system?

  2. What are your FEELINGS about your time?


That second question matters so much more than the first one.


I invite you to consider the possibility that you can feel completely calm, abundant and joyful about your time.

What would your life be like if this were true?


You have the ability to do it all with complete ease.

Just consider the possibility of this being your reality.


There’s a sigh of relief in your future when you do.

Sending love,