Kolette Hall

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Weighty Matters

I was watching the TV show "Men in Trees" once and the following line caught my attention:

...a braver version of me.

I used this quote on my latest quote calendar and as I looked up from my computer this morning I saw it on the November page.  It seems fortuitous because today is one of those days where I'm not feeling quite as capable and empowered as I like to feel.I'm busy with deadlines, I have some new responsibilities in my church that are taking me away from those deadlines more often, the holidays are approaching which pulls us all in different directions...and I am hormonal.  All of these things are part of life, but sometimes it's just a little more difficult to manage them in my mind without feeling anything but tired.I need a braver version of me to rise to the surface today.I have decided to keep checking things off my list because I'll just feel worse if I don't do anything and get behind.  I have also decided to listen to positive music - that will help me feel encouraged.  I will go get a pedicure so that I feel better for our Hall family picture this weekend.  I'll talk to Jason about how I feel so I can get lots of hugs and hand-holds today.  My feelings will pass.  I work hard to choose joy and positiveness in my life and it pays off.  I'm a happy person.Life is just a little weighty today.What do you do when you feel overwhelmed or discouraged or when life feels more weighty than usual?  How do you get "a braver version of you" to rise up when you need it?