Kolette Hall

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Two Thumbs Up for Television. There. I Said It.

It's winter.  Last week Cole was cooped up in the house with a nasty cold - which means no friends could come over to break up the day.  And the television was on way too much.  Oh well.I definitely work hard at not wishing each stage of his life away to something better but when it comes to long winter days, playing independently for a barely three-year-old is a short-lived activity.  Our little man would be in heaven to have a dozen siblings to run around the house with.  Since that's not in the cards, I admit that am looking forward to a time not far from now when we can add a few "Cole Activities" to our list.  Pre-school.  Soccer.  Both are right up his alley: friends, singing, running, kicking a ball, learning...all are part of his Top Ten list of favorite things to do.

Right now we go to our 9-year-old neighbor's ballgames once a week and it's all Cole can do to sit on the bleachers patiently until the game is over and it's his turn to shoot the basketball.  Classes, teams, practices, field trips - he will love them.

In the meantime, we have installed a 6' trampoline in the basement, he rides the wiggle car and scooter in the house and we look for any opportunity to have a friend over to play Nerf guns.  Oh, and the TV is on.  A lot.  It's like a little friend in the background while he plays and I try to do something other than have him attached to my hip, climbing on my lap or throwing a fit because I'm not paying attention to him.  His current TV faves include Dora, Go! Diego Go!, and Spiderman and His Amazing Friends.  Netflix access on the AppleTV is great but we've had to nix just about every other Spiderman show that has ever been made because they are a little high drama and dark for a little person.  I'll be honest.  They kind of scare him.  That's ok, though.  Spidey and his friends Firestar and Iceman were staples while Jason and I were kids - isn't it funny when the things we liked top the list of our kids' favorites 30 years later?But his latest Movie-of-the-Week is Cars 2 of which I have seen some parts a million times and all parts zero times.  That is motherhood in a nutshell.  Being able to sing the entire theme song for Wonder Pets and retro Blues Clues but never really sitting down to watch the thing from start to finish.He's just carried his trusty two-step stool into my office and is now sitting right by my chair, waiting for something to come out of the printer and telling me, "I'm not touching any-sing," as he almost shuts down my computer with the chubby-finger-push of a single button.That's why the television is on.  A few minutes to get something done - like live my life in fifteen minute increments.Ah, Cole.  I love that you want me near you.  Please don't change that.  I don't think I could bear it.  But could you go play with your race cars for awhile?