Kolette Hall

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The One and Only


When Jason was about nine years old, their neighbor gave him a gift for Christmas.
A set of personalized pencils.
Each was embossed with the words:
“The One and Only Jason Hall”

When Coleman was almost nine years old, Jason made him an enormous poster.
It had a collage of photos of Coleman’s face from when he was a tiny baby all the way through to that moment.
It was titled “The One and Only Coleman Jason Hall.”

The next year for Christmas, Coleman asked me to help him make one for his Dad.
It was a collection of photos of the two of them from when he was born till that date. We framed it with the title, “The One and Only Best Dad in the History of the World Ever.”

Jason placed it by his computer at his desk. Right next to where he sat every single day.

He died exactly five months later.

I took over Jason’s office this year. The whole thing got a fresh coat of paint, including the cabinets. A new rug. A desk that works better for me. Lighter. Brighter. Fresh.

I put my favorite chair in there – the rocking swivel one with matching ottoman from Coleman’s nursery. One wall is now a dry erase board and the artwork is part of my personal collection I’ve gathered over the years.

Except the space right by where he sat. It looks almost exactly the same as when he was here.|
I sit in almost exactly his same spot.
Right next to The One and Only Jason Hall.

It’s our office.
His. Now mine.
I love it.
It looks totally different but I get to still feel him here.
Jason Hall.

The original “One and Only.”💙✊🏻