Kolette Hall

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The Magic of Hope

Hope is my favorite word.  It stands miles beyond fear, is heavy with gratitude and is so much more than just a simple wish.  It's a belief that something is truly possible.Last year, with the birth of our first baby, I focused on the word "savor" as the attitude and characteristic that I wanted my life to reflect - savoring each moment of pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting.  This year, I keep coming back to my old friend, hope.  I have a good life, that much is true.  But choosing joy no matter our circumstances has so much to do with our ability to hope.  Maybe we don't know how a problem will be solved or if it will be solved at all - but through it all there is always hope.Hope strengthens.  Hope gives courage.  Hope creates joy.  How could it not be my favorite word?

Think about choosing a word of your own to focus on for the next little while.  For inspiration, click Ali's blog here.