Kolette Hall

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The Fun Way

I had a meeting at the church nearby.
It’s a 4-minute walk to get there.
Out of the cul-de-sac, turn left, and walk down one short block. Easy.
I told Coleman I was headed out.
He offered to drive me in the golf cart.

I didn’t realize that I had a personal and free Uber driver! I had to say yes to his offer!

We hopped in the cart.
He turned to me and said, “Do you want to go the fun way?”

I was serious when I said it’s only a 4-minute walk. Out the cul-de-sac, turn left, and walk down one short block. 
What other way is there?

Apparently, there’s The Fun Way.

Coleman took off across our backyard and onto the golf course behind our house.
He followed the path around the north side of our neighborhood and turned right at the road.
He headed down and around the block from the opposite direction as I would have walked and parked in front of the church doors. Still about a 4-minute trip.

But this was The Fun Way.

Walking to church is fine.
Not a big deal at all.
But what if it could actually be fun?

Coleman decided that there was a fun way to get to church.
He had a thought in his mind that going across the golf course would make the trip more fun.
It was just a thought.
A thought he decided to think.
And then, as we bounced onto the golf path, I decided to think it, too.
That’s what made it feel totally fun.

I’m approaching my coaching business completely differently than I’ve ever approached work before.
I’ve realized that I like certain things and I don’t like certain things.
My coach helps me figure this out.
I’m tuning into what I really want.
And I’m doing THAT stuff.
Not the things I think I should do. Or need to do. Or what everyone else says to do.
I’ve decided to do it my way.
And it’s feeling fun.

Want to go the fun way?
Be like Coleman and just decide that The Fun Way is totally available to you.
Then drive your cart that direction.
I’ll help you do it if you want.✊🏻💙