Kolette Hall

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The Avenger Wreck

Jason & I were on our way to see 🦸🏻‍♂️Avengers: Endgame.
Someone turned left in front of us while we went through an intersection.

The van is totaled. I’ll be honest, this lifeline to independence for Jason is a long process to recover from. But we’ll do it.

I am sore but Jason had a concussion. He was repeating the same four questions and telling the same dad joke over and over..
“I guess we’re not going to make the movie!”
Haha. Good one, Jas. Again.🙄

I almost didn’t take him to the hospital! For real. We’re hospital veterans - no freaking out from this wife! It was just a concussion. 🤷🏻‍♀️What would they really be able to do????

Let’s just say thank goodness we went! In the ER they did CT scans and x-rays.
“He has multiple neck fractures. One is at C2.”
“Wait. What?” I said.
“His mobility is fine.” I said.
“How can his neck be broken?” I said.
I was stunned. Baffled. Shocked. I kept replaying his movement in my head. Nothing was different.

How could he have a broken neck?

7 fractures in his neck and back.
That’s what they saw after two MRIs.
A thorough, caring neurosurgeon determined he didn’t need surgery.


He came home with a neck and chest brace - for the next 3 months.

No driving. But since he doesn’t have a van to drive anyway, it’s a great time to get a new one, right??!!

On Tuesday we noticed that he had lost some mobility in his right wrist and arm. His wrist was “floppy.” We knew that look. We knew what it could mean for his life.

That’s when I cried.
Please no.
Please. Not that.

After more MRIs and testing, the University of Utah neurosurgeons decided that he still didn’t need surgery.


They are hopeful that his mobility will return.
And that will be….
a miracle.

We are back at home and moving forward.
A rental van comes on Monday and we’ve started the process to get a new one for ourselves.

He sits up in his chair each day.
Working his wrist.
Practicing moving his chair with the brace on.
Trying to stay sitting as long as possible.

Thank you for the prayers. They have created the miracles.

Next miracle needed: regain previous mobility in his wrist and arm.
We are a house of believers.
We can do this. 🙏🏻💙