Kolette Hall

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Thank You for Being His People

Thank you.

Thank you for being his people.
Thank you for loving him and recognizing that his greatest goal in life was to give and live with hope, gratitude, humor, great purpose, hard work and never-ending perseverance.

Jason was a fan. He was passionate about many things.
In lieu of flowers, I thought it would be fitting if we helped 🦸🏻‍♂️Jason to continue his great mission to help youth achieve their dreams.

We have two options for you to donate if you wish. The first is for our local youth lacrosse program.
He was an incredible coach and advocate, who taught each young player to become something - not just practice lacrosse skills.
He wanted everyone to play and tried recruiting you if you were the right age!
A memorial fund has been set up to provide for those who may not otherwise have the means to play LAX to the MAX here in Syracuse.🥍💙💚
The following link will give you the chance to help Jason grow these young people as they play a game that he and Coleman shared:

Jason bled blue - he loved BYU and was the student body president the year we were married. We met through the BYU Student Leadership program. We have had the same season football seats since we were students - for over 30 years!💙🏈💙 We're serious fans!
The S. Jason Hall BYU Leadership Scholarship has been set up by our dear friends who served by our side all those years ago. A link and instructions for this endowment fund is below if you wish to help Jason continue sharing his passion for BYU and youth leadership.

Online: Go to www.ldsphilanthropies.org
Click on Donate Online.In the Search box under the donation options enter “S. Jason Hall Leadership Endowed Fund” and the fund will come up in place of “Other” at the end of the donation options list. Enter the amount to donate and complete the payment information.

And a final note....
Thank you for your stories and kind words and prayers.
We love them.We feel them.We are strengthened by them.

Jason collected people.
It was one of his greatest talents and gifts.He gave Coleman that same trait (lucky kid!)
Jason’s genuine interest in the individual was evident in the questions he would ask you while waiting for an appointment or standing in line at the grocery store.
Or being there to cheer you on.Or saying just the right thing in that pivotal moment.
Or speeding along on his way to get something done.
Or telling a joke.
Or giving a speech.
Or weaving a story that had you hooked.
Or having hard days but overcoming when he shouldn’t have been able to.

He lived his life with joy. Collecting relationships and conversations and experiences with you.

Thank you for being his people.💙