Kolette Hall

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Since Jason died, cooking has been beyond my capability level & so I tend to do what is easiest.
Mindless, grab & go food.

But that had to change.
In October I started on an ultra-simple plan to adjust my food intake.
And I walked.
Every day but Sunday.
I walked at least 15,000 steps.

I’ve always tried to exercise but this was new to me.
I bought an Apple Watch to track my progress.
I walked around the neighborhood.
I walked around the field during LAX practice.
I braved the busy, no-sidewalk stretch of road & walked to Walmart.

Winter came.
I almost fell on the ice. Twice.
I bought a treadmill & put it in my room.
Because that’s where I’d use it most.

I’ve become the weird walking lady.
Walking everywhere.
Heidi drove by, “I’ve seen you walking the neighborhood three times today!”

Every year I choose a word.
I’m not a resolution maker, although I do set goals.
I just don’t set them in the pressure-filled days of January. They happen when I choose.
Instead, I pick a word.
During the last twelve years, a different word has bubbled to the surface and called out to me.
Then it just lingers on the edges of my choices throughout the year, quietly encouraging me to allow it space to teach me.

This year I struggled to find the right word.
A word holding little expectation for this tender, grieving widow.
Then I realized that I say my word at least a dozen times a day.

That’s my word.
And yes, I mean my 15,000 walking steps.
The chance to move & be outside, think my thoughts & feel peace.
But what else is it?

I don’t have grand plans or big dreams to accomplish this year.
No. I’m thinking much smaller.
I simply want to listen to personal revelation, recognize it for what it is & take the step needed to act on it.
Maybe it’ll be some big steps.
Most likely it will be tiny ones.
But when I feel like something is right, I just want to have the faith & courage to take a little action.
To take a little step.

I walk to the cemetery.
I walk to the hardware store.
I walk everywhere these days.
Pam went to Disneyland & looked at her steps, “Kolette does this every day!”
Looks like every day is a Disneyland Day around here.

Come walk with me?