Kolette Hall

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Slow But Sure

About a week ago I remember thinking, "What are all those people talking about when they say that the last trimester is miserable?  I feel great!  I could be pregnant forever and that would be fine.  That way I would have a little more time to get my list done..."Fast forward to this week....I now understand what everyone meant.I am moving more slowly than I am used to - just having a hard time getting going and everything is taking longer than I want it to.  My back is starting to get more sore as the days pass.  I feel a tiny bit nauseous.  But mostly, two nights ago I didn't sleep at all due to insomnia - I'm not uncomfortable, really.  I'm just wide awake night after night.I got up and tackled things on my to do list instead.  I feel very blessed.  It's true that actually getting pregnant was high drama for us, but since then I have had a pretty easy go of it.  Now that I'm down to my last 4 weeks, I think it's OK to assume that I should be starting to feel less than ideal.  To be honest, I can't complain.  I know that many women out there feel worse a lot longer than I have - we are very blessed.So, at 2 am I decided to work on Cole's thank you notes.  I designed them a while ago but I needed another batch printed out (Bazzill Basics textured cardstock) and trimmed to fit the envelopes.  I used this last round of finished notes as my Project 365 of Gratitude photo for Monday.  I had a baby shower last week and this stack is for my friends and family that came to that.  I am so grateful for supportive people from over the years who are coming out of the woodwork to celebrate this baby.  It's a miracle and everyone wants to share in the excitement.  (click here if you want to know more of the story about this long-awaited baby and here if you want Jason's take on it all).Cole Thanks

Therefore, on Monday I was grateful for the amazing support and love we feel from everyone in our lives - represented by this stack of thank you notes.I am grateful for my life.  Here are a few photos from my Project 365 of Gratitude this last week.I'm grateful for my brother Kent - he's the expert who put the crib togetherI am sure that being grateful is not reliant on having lots of stuff for the baby.I'm grateful that Jason finally got the pin out of his hand that had slipped and has been irritating

I'm grateful that we finally got my wireless printer working after the lightening strike a few months ago - "Yeah!"Big things, little things, and everything in between.  My life is full right now.  I am definitely moving more slowly...but I am steady and sure of my gratitude for our many blessings.

Today, when it comes to gratitude, these things I am sure of:

I am sure that being grateful has little to do with things going perfectly and a lot to do with how I look at each moment.I am sure that generosity and love abound and have made our little world a place of celebration of miracles.I am sure that whether I am a mother or not, I have the choice to be happy and love my life.I am sure that being grateful is not reliant on having lots of stuff for the baby (LOL).I am sure that our lives will never be the same again and I relish the chance for that to happen.Slow but sure - that's how I feel today.



We are loving our experience so far with teaching our Big Picture Scrapbooking class "A Life Well Crafted."  Thank you to all of you across the globe for being a part of it.  If you would still like to join us - there is plenty of time.  Just click here to register for the year long (discount price) option or here if you would like to register month to month.