Kolette Hall

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Puppy Wishes

Coleman wishes this adorable little guy was our dog.

Rusty. Those eyes. His sweet disposition.
He’s just one reason Coleman loves visiting the Giauques.

I’m tempted to give in to Coleman’s pleadings for a dog - I’ve heard the begging for years but it has escalated to a Level 10.

I’m trying really hard to use the wise counsel for those grieving the death of a loved one - don’t make any big decisions for a year.
A dog would be a big decision for us! We’ve never had one, plus, I’m allergic.
Can’t you just love playing with your friends’ dogs and call it good????🙏🏻

I told Coleman I wouldn’t even think about it for a year.
So, he’s planning on a dog for Christmas 2020.
His idea.
Even though I told him we’ll just think about it next year.

Focus. Determination. Eye on the prize. Negotiate with your mom till you beat her down and she gives in. All excellent qualities that Coleman is currently demonstrating. Can you relate or is this just happening in the Hall house???

I’m standing firm...for now.
We’ll see what Christmas 2020 brings.