Kolette Hall

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Patty Pace


Patty and I went walking this morning.
School was canceled because of a wind storm that is currently happening.
She works for Head Start so when school is canceled, she doesn’t go into work either.

There are trees down.
Power is out for many.

We decided to brave the wind and go get our steps. Walk a few miles together.
I love it when Patty has the day off! đź™ŚđźŹ»
We headed to the cemetery.
The wind whipped around us as we chatted.
We tucked our hands into our jackets from the cold.
The sun was trying to shine through the clouds. The sky was dark mingled with white and blue.
Twigs and branches littered the path as the wind pushed us back.
Creating resistance as we walked.
Upping the difficulty level of our walking workout.

We circled by Jason’s grave.
Made sure his little flag was still upright.
Talked about when the headstone would arrive.
Down the hill and back the way we came.

It wasn’t long before our jackets came off. Tied around our waist.
We even started to sweat a little.
The same wind still pushing.
But this time at our backs.
Urging us forward. Increasing our walking rate. Helping us along.

I know that Patty slows down her steps a little for me.
I used to try and keep up with her long legs. “Today I will do the Patty Pace!” I would declare to myself, checking my watch every minute or so to see my average mile time. Moving faster when I saw that I was behind the 14-minute mile mark that I call the “Patty Pace.”

Then, keeping that pace started to hurt my knees.
So I slowed up a bit.
15-minute miles on good days.
17-minute miles when I’m feeling slow.

The Patty Pace was nowhere to be found today. She ditched it to stick with me.
But urged me forward just by being there.
Increased my walking rate just a touch.
Helped me along with good conversation.

Patty and I decided to brave the wind today. Walk a few miles together.
I really love it when Patty has the day off. đź’™