Kolette Hall

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Open for Business

Open for Business.

Have you ever seen one of those cool rentable office workspaces?
You can rent a conference room or a space with a table, a few chairs and a whiteboard or a cubicle or a desk area or a phone booth or a podcast studio. Whatever you need for the day or the hour. 
There’s snacks available, a receptionist and a super cool vibe.

I love up-leveling my life by utilizing coaches. I have hired a new one. Her name is Camille Osborn.
And I asked that our first session be a planning meeting. With me and McKenna (my awesome digital director) and Camille, my coach.
I called it “The Summit.”
My goal: To help Camille get up to speed on our business goals and plans - and to have her help us fill in some blanks with what we were working on.

It was an all-day event.
In one of those cool-vibey office spaces.
And some seriously good things happened there.
The whiteboard was used.
The plans were made.
The clarifications were created.
The ideas of how we want to do business we’re solidified.

And tradition was blown up.💣

We will not be doing it the way it’s been done.
We will not be following anyone’s system.
We are creating our own system based on intuition and information.
We will be doing it the way that feels right.
The way that emphasizes our individual strengths.
The way that focuses on what I actually want to spend time doing.

I jokingly called it “The Summit,” but that’s exactly what it was. 
A meeting between leaders. Between women who are skilled and capable. Women who have talents. Women who decided to come together to create something good.

I’m on fire.🔥
Why? Because we are in the business of offering light and learning.
We are in the business of creating incredible change for our clients.
We are in the business of empowering ambitious women to propel themselves forward.
We are in the business of teaching those same women how to feel better in the process.
To feel more calm. More purposeful. More clear. More rested.

I’m on fire.
And I’m open for business.🔥