Kolette Hall

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My Mom's Birthday Gift - Sneak Peek for A Life Well Crafted Workshop



We've been in celebration mode in our family for the last couple of weeks.  Jason's sister Kendra got married this last weekend, I have been working on the countdown project for my mom's birthday (you'll get the whole project idea and more in our BPS class A Life Well Crafted - click here to register)....and to beat the holiday rush, I've been given a baby shower (my first one was at Creative Escape - thank you, everyone!).I have been so touched by the sense of excitement that is surrounding the arrival of this little guy to our lives.  People are coming out of the woodwork to celebrate with us.  I guess that's what happens when you have a baby after 16 years of marriage!The first shower was for all of my mom's friends - she kind of thinks that since she had to attend one of our procedure days for the invitro process that this is her baby, too!This shower was given by a woman who we knew when I was in high school.  Her name is Ila Kofford and she and her husband were empty-nesters who lived in our neighborhood.  Back when I was 17-years-old I started my first business.  I created handmade dolls that could be customized to match the recipient's eye and hair color.  Plus, I made the clothes in their color choice as well.  I called my business "Kolette's Collectables" and Ila ordered a doll for every girl in her family.It might seem like a small gesture but it had a big impact.  She gave me the confidence to run a business and I truly believe that her influence is one of the reasons why it made sense to me years later to start my own scrapbooking and design company - she laid the foundation for that belief in myself as a business owner.

Ila Kofford

Now, twenty years after "Kolette's Collectables" started, she found out about this new baby of ours and wanted to have a shower for me.  She is probably in her seventies by now and one of the amazing things about her and this shower is that she has recently had some severe back trouble and is unable to walk downstairs.  She didn't tell me any of this, simply continued on with the shower plans.  She knew that if she told me, I would insist on changing the location of the event.  Because of the number of people who came, we had to have the shower downstairs in her home.  She couldn't walk down to enjoy the party.  Instead, she answered the door with nothing but cheerfulness, sent everyone downstairs, and had her daughters serve the lunch.My heart broke when I realized what was happening.  I love Ila for many reasons but her selfless service is such an example of a great woman.  I spent quite a bit of time with her after the shower, showing her the gifts and just being with her.  That was my favorite part of the whole day.I will never be able to adequately express my gratitude for the sacrifice and love that she showed me that day.  Her example of joyful service and love is remarkable.But after that day I know one thing for sure...I want to live my life more like Ila Kofford.