Kolette Hall

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Life Has Been a Tiny Bit Crazy the Last 10 Days

I just had major surgery.  Official Name: Component Separation Ventral Hernia Repair.  It means they removed the avocado-size scar in the middle of my abdomen and attached my abdominal muscles back together so I can do a sit-up someday and it will actually have an effect.We've been planning for months, waiting and waiting and waiting for my belly to be ready for the reconstruction and repair.  Everything about it has gone more smoothly than expected.  Everything.  The surgery itself.  The recovery.  The fact that I went home from the hospital just less than two days after instead of the expected four.I have eaten scrambled eggs and hash browns for breakfast about six times - the first being only 18 hours after leaving the OR.  The powers at be seemed to like that part.  They also keep asking questions about passing gas and other things and let's just say that I should win a blue ribbon in that area.  It's extremely important, I guess, and I'm doing well.For some reason I haven't wanted to talk about this surgery on the blog.  I don't know why.  No reason, actually.  Maybe I just felt like I would rather just get the job done and move on. I had TOTAL confidence in my surgeon and the surgery itself.  No stress whatsoever.  But I was anxious about things going wrong with the recovery and having months and months of yucky pain to deal with.  Yes.  I'm pretty sure that's the reason I haven't talked about it till now.However, I am normally a dismal Facebook-status-keeper-upper.   But for some reason, adding little snippets of life in just a minute or two are exactly what this healing body is in the mood for right now.  Had no idea that Facebook-statusing it would actually give me something to look forward to instead of sitting on the sofa, being sad that I have already worked my way through ALL of season 3's Drop Dead Diva episodes!  Boo.So if you want to hear about the baby steps I've been making since my surgery last week then feel free to click here to see my latest status updates.  No sense repeating them here, then they are already there.  Right?  If you're not interested (Mom, it's ok if you're not), then don't click and be sad with me instead about having to wait for the next season of Drop Dead Diva.By the way, my pseudo-pregnant looking belly is at least half the size it was 12 days ago.  I'm crossing all of my fingers that the swelling will only get better...or should I say less...from here.Here's to healing!  XOXO