Kolette Hall

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Labor Day?

So, I admit that I knew nothing about the origin of Labor Day until this morning.  Then my curiosity was quenched with the help of our good friend Wikipedia.  I did some quick research to familiarize myself as to why we get the first Monday in September off as a federal holiday.

Did you know that this holiday was inspired originally by labor disputes in Canada?Did you know the first "labor day" celebration was in 1882?Did you know that the creation of the holiday Labor Day was an attempt to diffuse conflict during the 1894 Pullman Strike?Did you know that Labor Day marks the beginning of the NFL and college football seasons?

As I sit here writing this Cole is taking a nap and  I am hearing nothing but the tap-tap-tapping of Jason's typers as he has been closeted away in his office all morning preparing for his Fantasy Football draft tonight - yes, football season has arrived.... *sigh*Thanks to Fantasy Football, Jason not only wants to follow his beloved Dallas Cowboys but every other team that has one of his picks on it as well.Football = good.  Football obsessions = not my favorite.  *sigh again*


But it's true that all of the original labor disputes have become a distant memory in our nation's history and for our family, the en vogue purpose for Labor Day today consists simply of the desire to squeeze in one last pool party and BBQ.Works for me.