Kolette Hall

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I'm Grateful For...

Jason and I love to go to Broadway shows.  When we lived in Connecticut we were just outside of New York City and would head into Manhattan on a regular basis to check out the new plays and shows.  We started collecting the window card posters of our favorites, thinking that we would use them someday in our home.Someday has arrived.  For Christmas to each other, we decided to frame our window cards so that we could put them up in our home.  We have this big tall wall that is right in front of you when you go down our stairway.  It's a challenge to know what to do with a space like that but inspiration struck and we decided to put all of our window cards there.Collections have the most impact when you group them together so we chose 18 window cards, had them framed all the same and then sat them on the landing in piles until I could put them up.They sat there....and sat there....and sat there....for the last month and a half.  I admit, I was scared to put them up.  I knew we wanted three columns and six rows but I was nervous about getting everything straight and evenly spaced, etc.  Plus, the top row would end up about 18 feet above the landing and I was a little apprehensive of that height.Last night we had our neighbor, Kevin, come over to fix a few things for us and Jason asked him to help us put the pictures up.  I had gotten halfway up the wall with the first three rows - and trust me, there were many more nail holes in the wall than just the nine that were supposed to be there.  It was really hard to make them look right!But Kevin, a true professional, pulled out his level and his laser surveyor (I wish I had one of those!) and went to work measuring and marking until he had nine more holes placed in the wall - the top three rows.  When I handed him each picture I was shocked and DELIGHTED to see that his system of measuring and planning lead to perfect placement of each picture - on the first nail hole try.  I felt like I was watching our own show on HGTV.  Kevin was a rock star.So now we have all of our window cards up on the wall and they look stunning, if I do say so myself.  And Kevin's perfection on the top three rows help my rows look even better.  As a whole, they really make an impact.

Thanks, Kevin.  I'm grateful that you stuck with us so long to hang our pictures in such a professional way.  I'm grateful that you are so easy-going and kind.  I'm grateful that now we have such great memories in a place that we can enjoy them every day.And I'm grateful that you were the one on top of the ladder instead of me.