Kolette Hall

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Hope: The Misunderstood Sister

A short article called "Hope: The Misunderstood Sister" by Larry Hiller has recently helped me put into words what hope is not as well as what it is.

It may be the way it's commonly used: 'I hope the car passes inspection.' Or, 'I hope the weather will be nice for the wedding.'  Used this way, the word hope is the verbal equivalent of keeping your fingers crossed.  Consequently, many seem to think Hope is unsure, even fickle -- she may or may not grace you with her companionship.[But] hope is anything but wishful.  It is expectation based on experience.  Hope is serene.  Her eyes have the deep, knowing look of someone well acquainted with sorrow, the luminosity of recently being wet with tears. Hope has the confidence of one who clearly sees a bright future even when the next hours seem fog shrouded.  Hope is steady and strong, a friend I am glad to have beside me during my own trials.

Throughout all of the years of dealing with the adversity of Jason's health, his car accident, and anything else that life has thrown our way, I have never struggled with having hope -- until two months ago when postpartum hit.  I have never taken my ability to hope for granted but after this recent experience, I have a greater appreciation for the understanding and belief I have in the power of hope.  Luckily for me my lack of hope only lasted a couple of weeks but it was enough for me to realize that I do not ever want to go there again.I love how Hiller capitalizes the word "Hope" and calls it "she," creating a sense that hope is more than just a wish but an actual companion that we can travel life's journey with.I like Hope.  I like believing that life is good and even during trials, it will get better.  I like the sense of purpose and joy that comes from knowing, without seeing, that we can make it and be happy in the meantime.  I have come to understand that Hope is truly my soul's companion, my partner for overcoming, and my dear friend.What has Hope done for you lately?The eyes of hope that look at me each day