Kolette Hall

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Home Again

Yes, we are home again after a week of being away - home to the repairmen that are still working on the elevator, phones, internet, and everything else that was affected by the lightening.  But I can't help thinking that for the last week we have been at home as well.We went to New York City for a couple of days. We're Broadway junkies and when we lived back in New Canaan, Connecticut we used to head to the city for a show any chance we got.  It made it even more fun when the theaters instituted half-price or better deal for wheelchair tickets.  Loving that!So, we relived old times and did what we used to do for our anniversary each year and went to as many shows as we could in just a few days.  Since Jason's wheelchair was still getting repaired we used his old one that wouldn't hold any charge in the batteries.  We carried his charger with us and charged up at various places in Times Square on the way to each show - Sephora and Ann Taylor Loft (the biggest one I've seen!) while I shopped, McDonald's or whatever restaurant had an outlet handy.  Pause, plug-in, juice up and go!In the Heights came first as we rushed from the airport to the show on Tuesday night - just in time to hear the first rap come from Usnavi's mouth.  That show is so unique and hip and modern.  We loved it - Jason's parents didn't (they couldn't understand the rapping and the Spanish) - over their heads.

Wednesday afternoon sent us to Mary Poppins where the giggling children that were sitting nearby made us laugh.  Next came Jersey Boys on Wednesday night - I didn't grow up in that era but knew all the songs and you couldn't help but sing along and cheer like crazy.

We rounded it off by getting Jason to Wicked since he had missed it both of the times I had seen it.  What's not to love about that show?

The weekend was spent at Jason's brother Clint's wedding on Long Island. Family, friends, great weather - it was perfect.

So many of our dear friends from Connecticut were there.  There are so many things we miss about living in Connecticut - the winding cow trails that become roads, the daffodils growing in the middle of lawns, being close to NYC, quaint towns, no need for lotion because of the humidity....and of course, the people.  We weren't always near family when we lived there so our friends became our family.

The whole trip was...like coming home.