Kolette Hall

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Hey Business Gals

No. That's not true.
I'm in charge of making my client happy.
I'm the one who is texting during my son's ballgame and who takes the call at midnight and who closes the deal during my daughter's birthday party.
I'm the one traveling all over the valley to show them the 34th house because there is something that is just not right about the first 33.
I'm the one meeting the needs and the suggestions and the demands.

Because that's what it means to serve my client.
That's what it means to get the job done.
That's what it means to make my client happy.

But is it?
Your client gets to be in charge of their experience.
I'm serious.
No matter what you do and how many hoops you jump through for them - they still get to decide what they will think about their experience and how they will feel.

You can't make anyone happy.
They can't make you happy.
Everyone gets to decide happiness for themselves.

What if you actually believed this?
What would your work life look like if you actually believed that you are not in charge of your client's happiness?
What if you just focused on what you could actually control?
Showing up for your client in the way that you feel is best. Best for them and best for you. Loving them and wanting to help them. But loving yourself and your family, too.
Understanding that they will have the experience that they choose. No matter what you do or say.

Maybe you'll jump through less hoops.
Maybe you'll set more boundaries.
Maybe you'll say no.
Maybe you'll ask for help.
Maybe you'll realize that it's possible to value yourself AND value your client.

Maybe you'll feel some relief.
Maybe you'll know that there's a different option than to people-please.
Maybe you'll love your work even more.
Maybe you'll love your clients even more.
Maybe you'll love your life even more.

Maybe it's time to stop saying, "I just want to make my client happy."
Because you can't.
That's their job.
Show up as your very best self.
And leave their happiness up to them.💙