Kolette Hall

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Gratitude Update

I know, I know....I haven't been posting all my photos from my Project 365 of Gratitude lately - still figuring out this mom juggling thing.   However, I am proud to say that I have been taking the pictures every day and even have them all printed!  It's a miracle!Here are some highlights from the last couple of weeks - our lives in a nutshell:Seriously - who isn't grateful for the Bumbo?

Whether they are clear sets or wood mounted - I always love getting the samples in the mail because it just reconfirms how thankful I am for my workI'm grateful that so many people love Cole as much as we do - notice little 3-year-old Mackenzie helping to pose his head

This was one of the first mornings he didn't wake up at 3 or 4 - now he even sleeps longer sometimes Jason is a great walk-taker with the litle man

I finally got a pedicure - it was looking bad down there

I think that I am most grateful for Nikki - my next-door neighbor and fabulous babysitter.  She's clean, calm and has rules - what could be better?I'm grateful I actually cooked a real dinner!Of course, this Mother's Day (and every other day for that matter) I am grateful for this little guy.  I thankful for motherhood.It is so apparent as I go through this journey of gratitude that we have so much to be thankful for.  Even in the daily struggles, stressful situations and things that don't seem to go our way, our lives are full of miracles, blessings and opportunities to choose joy.  William A. Ward said,

(You have the) gift of 86,400 seconds today.  Have you used one to say, "thank you?"

Have a wonderful weekend - and thanks for reading my blog!