Kolette Hall

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Google Drive


This is a story about a Zoom call and a vacuum.

I started The Life Coach School certification program this week. 🙌🏻
I am so pumped.
I love being a student!
I got the books in the mail.
I downloaded the monthly schedule.
I blocked out my time for our weekly small group Zoom meeting.
I had my notepad and pencil ready.
I took notes as my classmates introduced themselves. Maybe I can remember where they are from that way! 😂
I took notes as our instructor went through the necessary details to help us succeed.
I feel so blessed. Grateful. Excited. Nervous in a good way.

Then Lauren, our instructor, said three words: Google Drive folder.
My mind stopped.
My heart did, too.
Her words became vacuumed. Sucked suddenly into a faraway spot. Or maybe it was me who was sucked away.
Listening to Lauren…but not really. Mostly just watching her mouth move as my mind drifted.

Google Drive folder.
We are supposed to set it up by September 30. Plenty of time. Except that’s not the problem.
Sure. I can set it up.
Sure. I can do this simple task I’ve been assigned.
Sure. Six days is loads of time to make it happen.

Except that’s not the problem.
I haven’t needed to use Google Drive very often.
Jason always helped me when I did.

So, there I was. Headphones in. Zoom call on. Staring at the faces of eleven other people on the screen. Loving this new adventure.
And suddenly really missing Jason.

I wanted him there on my first day of school.
I wanted him to be totally into it with me.
Maybe even DOING the program with me 🤓!
I wanted the discussion and the sharing and the talking, talking, talking about it.
I wanted him to ask, “How did it go?”
And I wanted him to set up my Google Drive folder for me.
It would have been done in like two minutes. With zero minutes of worry or wondering how.

The heaviness rose quickly in my chest.
It came and went all day.
Along with the memories and the watery eyes and the pictures in my head and the missing him.

I’m super excited about Life Coach School.
I know Jason is excited, too. He wants me to grow and move forward and learn this stuff.
Yes, I’m sure I can set up the Google Drive folder.
I just want Jason to do it for me. 💙✊🏻