Kolette Hall

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Following In Dad's Skis



His. First. Time. On. Waterskis. Ever!!!

This was an epic moment at the Hall Family Reunion yesterday because...

1. Coleman crushed👊🏻 his first try at waterskiing.

2. I got to hear details about what kind of skier Jason was before his accident.

Jason loved to 💦ski and ❄️ski before he broke his neck.

⭐️ When he was 15, he could slalom ski from the dock, standing on one foot and jumping in at just the right moment, putting his second foot in the ski mid-air.

⭐️ He could jump the wake...not just jump over one side but literally jump across the entire wake from one side to the other.

⭐️ Clint said that as his brothers, they just tried to keep up with Jason.

I like to think that Coleman has taken his first step toward keeping up with his dad, too.

He’s a good little snow skier and now, with the help of Aunt Blair’s teaching and Uncle Clint’s driving, he’s on his way to figuring out the water stuff.

Now, THAT was fun to watch!

I love heritage.
Taking the best of what has come before us and doing something with it ourselves.

Standing on the shoulders of giants.

Family or other people, all creating our network of personal influencers - a personality trait here or specific mannerism there, a habit or gesture or talent - it weaves together... becoming our heritage.

How do you see YOUR people following in the footsteps of a great one who went before them?

#wearethehalls #goteamhall