Kolette Hall

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Download Day - It's Back

First of all, Happy Father's Day to Jason - the first-time dad at our house!  He's a natural in every sense of the word and Coleman is a lucky little munchkin to have him as his father (including his ability to think up crazy stunts and tricks involving children - like only a dad can do).  Thanks for all you do and are, Jas.  XOXO


I had a great week last week.  I feel fabulous and totally like my old self again - wait, maybe not like my old self because I have learned a lot of things having to deal with a month of postpartum issues.  So, I would say that I'm better than my old self.  I appreciate the encouragement - that makes such a difference when we are going through challenges in our lives.  Thank you.With this in mind, I decided to pat myself on my back for getting through my postpartum fairly unscathed.  We all need to remember to celebrate our victories - no matter their size or scope of impact.  Consider putting this quote from our Big Picture Scrapbooking workshop "A Life Well Crafted" in a place that will remind you to pay attention to each triumph in your life, even if that means simply making it through another day.  And remember: when you print - unmark the "fit to page" setting to get the actual size of the image instead of a full-page version.

please click on image to download pdfI'm back.  Healed, more aware of who I am and what I can do but all in all, better than ever before.  I can't explain the gratitude I feel for being able to spot the signs of postpartum so quickly - within days, in fact.  By doing so I was able to change direction almost immediately and head back to the real me much faster than if I had let things linger.  I'm so grateful for that.Thanks everyone!  Enjoy the download and take a minute to pat yourself on your back with me - and celebrate you!