Kolette Hall

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Download Day - "Beautiful..."

As promised in my last post, I have created a boy and girl version of the John Lennon song we have hanging in Coleman's room.  When Coleman had just been born, like most dads, Jason oversaw the weighing, cleaning and checking of him.  They did it all right in the delivery room but it was a moment just for the two of them.They placed Coleman in Jason's arms - all clean and wrapped in a cozy blanket.  He was the first to hold this little guy and in those initial minutes together Jason softly sang this song to our little man.  Even swollen and red and crying his first cries, Cole was beautiful to us.First MomentWe hope he learns that the words of the song are true:  despite what the news says the world is getting better, saying a prayer always helps, and that he will always be our beautiful boy.

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