Kolette Hall

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I read a series of texts where Coleman was mustering up the courage to tell a cute girl that he liked her.

People think that Coleman is so confident.
And in many things he is.
But there was definitely some doubt echoing through those texts.
I could feel his hesitency and fear of exposing himself.
Opening himself up to rejection.

It wasn't his normal confidence.

Or was it?

What if we can sometimes doubt ourselves and still be confident?
What if It's not so much an all-or-nothing thing, but a fluid, ever-changing experience of life?

What if confidence is doubting yourself but sending the text anyway?
What if confidence is not being 100% sure but taking a chance on yourself? Taking a chance on a relationship? Taking a chance on an experience?
What if confidence is self-doubt that still goes for it?

Coleman's friend liked him back.
She said so in her text.
Then they decided not to like each other the next day.

I'm good with that. They're only twelve.
But I like that he felt the self-doubt. And still went for it.

You got this, friend.
Feel the self-doubt.
Can you take the chance anyway?
I bet you can.

I love you.💙✊🏼