Kolette Hall

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Cole at Age 2

Cole, you're two!  How is it possible?  The time has flown by yet I can hardly remember life before you as well.  You fill our very existence so fully that we burst at the seams with the presence of you in our lives.Did you know......that you are learning what it means to have a "time out?"...that you are talking more and more - and even though we don't always understand what you are saying, you understand us amazingly well.  We're waiting for your verbal skills to catch up with that mind of yours....that you still wear size 18-24 mos. pants and size 2T shirts?  You are definitely slimming down from the roly-poly, chunky monkey baby that was Mom's little butterball.  But thank goodness those cheeks of yours are still cute and chubby!...that you usually like to share things freely with other children but have just clued in to the idea that two-year-olds think that everything is "MINE!"  It's amazing and annoying how quickly you have embraced that concept....that you still have to take some random thing to bed with you in order to be happy?  It didn't work out like you planned when you wanted the baby stroller one day - good thing I came back into your room a few minutes later to save you from your decision....that you have always been such an adaptable, happy little boy that I thought we would slide right past the "terrible twos?"  No such luck.  Who knew that you could be so adept at throwing tantrums at the drop of a hat?...that you have learned some sweet dance moves, how do a forward roll and how to jump on and over a variety of things at TumbleKats?  You love going to class every week and are even getting better at following directions....that you love watching "Woody" and "Buzz" in the original Toy Story?...that turkey dogs are your go-to food these days?  You wake up in the morning or from your nap (and any other time of the day for that matter) saying, "Hot dog?  Hot dog?"...that you are an expert climber and like to pull yourself up onto the bar stools to eat or color or push computer buttons?  Your high chair is officially a thing of the past but thank goodness you haven't figured out how to climb out of your crib...yet....that Mom is already plotting how we are going to take care of that uni-brow you were born with?  I'm just biding my time till you're old enough for me to go after it....that you love trains and baby doll strollers and crashing cars?...that you have started calling me, "Mummy" (said with a British accent and everything...what's that all about???)...that your current favorite book is Blue Hat, Green Hat by Sandra Boynton?  You laugh like crazy when the turkey puts his clothes on the wrong places and says, "Ooops!"  We have to play the same game when we get you dressed - but hey, it's better than the screaming fits you've been having instead....that Uncle Todd and cousin Ry-Ry have taught you how to swing your plastic golf club like a pro - much to the delight of Grandpa Hall?

...that you and Dad make forts in our bed by having me pull the sheet over your heads?  You like to hang out under there and play the bowling game on the iPhone with Dad or just rest your head on his shoulder....that you would have been happy staying at Wal-mart all day just watching the ladies blow up your birthday balloons?  You were captivated the whole time.  Now I know what to reward you with if you don't throw any fits while grocery shopping!...that everyone who meets you feels like they are your best friend because you are so charming and friendly?...that you are the light of our lives?  I know it sounds corny but it's so true.  Thank you for being you and for giving us so many experiences that we never would have had without being parents.XOXOforever,Mummy