Kolette Hall

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Cole at 7 Months

How is it possible?  You pray and hope for someone tiny and new to come into your life for so long and then all of the sudden they have been with you for seven months.  It doesn't seem real yet at the same time, it is the most natural and lovely thing you have ever experienced.  Life before Cole seems thousands of years ago, just a blurry image that floats in the distant past.Cole, you have had a crazy month.  It seems like you are learning new things daily and changing by the minute.  I keep finding myself saying things like, "Hey, how did you get over there?"  The word for August is "active" because you are a mover and shaker these days.  Here are some of the things you are doing now that you have reached the 7 month mark.playgym1.  You can sit up on your own but we still like to be there in case you get tired or unfocused and slowly fall to the side.  You like to sit in front of your playgym mirror and look at yourself.  Plus, you use the links and toys on the playgym to hold yourself steady.2.  You have finally mastered rolling over both ways - thank goodness!  Now you don't get frustrated when you are on your tummy because you can hold your head up so tall and strong and you are even able to play with a toy that way.  If you need a rest then you roll to your side and then back to your tummy.nose to nose3.  You can travel around the floor by scooting in a circle on your belly or pushing back with your arms.  Sometimes you just roll and roll till you are on the other side of the room.4.  You love to stand up with a little help from someone holding your hands.  You stand straight and tall for longer and longer every day and are so proud of yourself.  We think you've gotten so strong because you love jumping like crazy in your jumparoo.5.  You like to sleep on your side and as you get comfy in your bed you often end up there - still with the blanket up by your face, though.6.  You are eating Stage 2 foods (and there are some weird combinations of food out there for you, by the way).  We think it's so funny to watch you chew your apple sweet potatoes - what's there to chew in pureed food?  You must be working on the grainy-ness of the applesauce.7.  I am teaching you how to drink from a cup and you like a little water after you eat.  You understand how to put a sippy cup in your mouth but haven't figured out how to drink from it yet.  We'll try some more later so you are ready to give up your bottle by the time you are 1 year old - just like the doctor told us you should.8.  You are sleeping through the night like a champ.  You travel around your crib until we don't know which position we will find you in when you wake up.  But for some reason you yell like mad when I put your PJs on.  What's up with that?red birdie9.  You still wake up happy and like to watch your mobile for a while before getting up in the morning.  Your red birdie is still your favorite, too but you also like to play with your soft book that crinkles, measuring cups and grosgrain ribbon.  And you think it's hilarious when we touch noses.10.  You are growing out of your bathtub but you like stretching out and putting your feet up on the end like a lounge lizard kickin' back.  Bathtime lasts about 20 minutes these days.11.  You have discovered Dad's controller on his wheelchair and the elevator button - both off-limits to your little hands!12.  Your favorite sound is a high-pitched "ahhh...." that goes too high for any of us to mimic.  You have also started saying "da, da, da, da" and Dad hopes that is a sign of what your first word will be.13.  We think you look different because you are getting so strong.  Being able to sit up makes you not look so squished down and we think we can even see your neck somewhere under those cheeks!14.  You like to play with wooden spoons so I keep them by your high chair to play with after you eat.  You are a serious rock star as you bang them on the tray and the counter next to you.  You'll give Dad a run for his money on Rock Band.Skype15.  I call Grandma and Grandpa Coleman all the time on Skype so they can see you do all of your tricks even while they are across the world.  That way they don't have to miss anything.  I think they see you more this way than when they live nearby.  Skype is our friend.16.  You have always been a calm and happy baby but you are moving and grooving so much these days as you figure out how to get where you want to go.  We hear you grunt as you make your way around the room.Aunt Kendra17.  We love your belly laugh and your high pitched squeal laugh and even your courtesy giggle that you give us sometimes to make us feel good about ourselves.  But when we pull out the camera or Flip you just stare at them in fascination.  I have to come out from behind the camera and just click the button, or use my zoom lens to sneak up on you instead.18.  And speaking of your ability to focus, our 9-year-old neighbor, Brytin thinks that you would win a talent contest for staring.   You definitely dominate in any stare-down.19.  Your eyelashes still curl all the way up to your eyebrows and your eyes are chocolatey brown - so much darker than mine.  Where do you get those?brown eyes20.  Cole, you are the love of our lives.  Even when it's a work day and you are at the babysitter's we want to visit you because we miss having you around.  We wonder what you will look like when you grow up, what you will think about and what choices you will make.  We are beginning to understand how a parent can give up their whole lives for their child - we would do that for you.We love you,MomPS - See what his dad says about the little guy here.