Kolette Hall

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Cole @ 9 Months

Mover.Coleman, that's what word describes you best as you turn 9 months old this week.  I think that you are even happier than ever because now you are independent enough to go where you want to go on your own instead of having to wait around for someone else to do it for you.

meas cup

You still love checking everything out but now you can crawl (military style and on all fours - depending on the floor situation) to the source of the action and not have to settle for just watching the world around you.  Our house has measuring cups, wooden spoons and other favorite toys stashed all over it and you just head from one to the next, grunting and talking and singing to yourself the whole way.  Of course, you still stop to lounge on your side when you feel the urge - that is definitely your signature pose, but you are also a pro at getting yourself in a sitting position, too.You have learned to clap your hands and like to show off your talent.  Also, just this last week you have figured out that you can pull yourself up to stand next to all the furniture, onto Mommy's lap, and you even like to think that you can tackle climbing Mount Daddy.  Good thing you often get sidetracked by his shoelaces instead.


You definitely have a good gig going as you have also learned how fun it is to take rides on Daddy's lap.  When Dad holds you over his shoulder you know how to turn yourself around so that you are ready to slide down into your riding position.  Then, you know that when his chair "clicks" that it means you are going to move.  You watch his controller like a hawk, kicking your leg like you are revving an engine to make sure he knows that you are ready to get going.  It didn't take long for you to realize that Dad is very entertaining - plus he gives you treats to taste, making sure you don't bite it off with your little chompers.licoriceCole, you have four teeth!  Two on top and two on bottom, just like lots of other babies.  You weigh almost 23 pounds and you are still in the 95% for height but we think that you are starting to grow into those cheeks of yours.  You must think those teeth are really interesting because you grind them all the time (irritating) and stick your tongue over, around and out (super cute) as you get the feel for these new things in your mouth.tongueYou had your first bad cold this month and the doctor gave you a prescription to clear up the eczema patch on your cheek but that's about the worst of it for you.  You love being around other kids and we like it when you are so that you get used to a little chaos.  You like to scratch things to feel their texture and you flick, flick, flick at stuff with your little hand.  You've done that for the longest time.  You are getting good at picking up food with your two fingers instead of your whole hand and you can actually get it into your mouth.  Now that's an achievement!Coleman, you are the best ever.  We just love being around you, especially as you figure out so many tricks to get yourself going.  I often look at you and wonder what you will grow into.  What will you be like?  How will the things we are watching you do right now develop into your personality?  It's all so fascinating to watch - as I'm sure every parent knows.I'm so lucky to be your Mom.  Thanks for being you.XOXOforever,

Love, Mom