Kolette Hall

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Can you say - BOY?!!!

It's true, we found out that it's a BOY!  We are so excited - we would have loved a girl, too but I had always felt like it was a boy from the day the doctor transferred the embryos.  So, I would have been surprised if they had said anything else.Jason's reaction was my favorite part of the whole event.  He said he kept saying to himself, "It's OK if it's a girl.  It's OK if it's a girl."  Then when she announced the boy he shouted, "Are you serious?!!!  Are you sure?"  It was so fun to have that moment.  Needless to say, he is waaaaay excited for this little guy!It's hard to believe that we could start four months ago with these little frozen embryos:

and end up with something that actually looks like a baby growing in there.  We will never know which embryo "took" but I think it was the little 5-cell one at the top - the runt of the entire batch.  I think it was a fighter and hung in there despite the odds.  There is no doubt in my mind that it could happen!This whole process has been a tremendous exercise in faith and hope and belief that miracles can happen.  It's been interesting because up until the day of the ultrasound last week, it has been difficult for me to process that I am actually having a baby.  Despite not feeling great and seeing changes in my body, I still have felt like I was watching a movie of someone else being pregnant.  It was hard for me to connect that what was happening was happening to me.But now that we know it's a boy, I can't stop thinking about him.  Seeing a little munchkin in my mind, covered in blue as he climbs and runs and becomes a part of our home.  For the first time, I see this little guy as ours and it has been an amazing feeling.  My love for him has started to grow and become something real to me.  I'm sure it will only increase as time passes but I'm starting to feel the glimmering of devotion that comes with being a parent - love I haven't felt in this exact way before.So, we are at about 17 1/2 weeks with forever to go.  But I'm feeling better and actually finished a deadline for my new stamping program (it will be so cool!) that will be released in February.  A week early, even!  It's been a while since I felt like getting things done early so I'm feeling very proud of myself for that this week.Now it's time for a little nap - I still like those in the afternoons!