Kolette Hall

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Be Here Now - Blog Blitz

Living in the moment.It's something we hear often yet can allude us all the same.  Paying attention to this time.  This day.  This moment.  So, let's change that.  Let's live in the moment right now.Stacy Julian, founder of Simple Scrapbooks magazine and Big Picture Scrapbooking has offered us to take part in a challenge.  Today, as you peruse various scrapbooker's blogs you will find this same idea being talked about.  You will also find, in Stacy's fabulous "take action" way, a manifestation of how each of us has decided to Be Here Now, or live in the moment with gratitude, awareness and ultimately...JOY.So, I offer the same challenge to you.  Join us in our efforts to Be Here Now by doing the following:

  • Snap 10 photos of your life right now
  • Compile these photos in a really small mini-album
  • Keep or carry this album with you (in your desk drawer or purse) for one year
  • Promise to glance through the album every time you stumble upon it
  • On October 1, 2009 create a scrapbook page about your experience.  Don't worry, I'll blog and help you remember!

Here are a few of the photos from my life, right now, this moment...It's almost time to put my favorite sandles away!Heading into Week 21Year Long Workshop at BPSOur new fall decorThink of this a present - to yourself!  If you want me to send you a free Bazzill Mono Mini album like the one I used then just comment here and we'll randomly pick 10 lucky winners (yep, I have 10 to give away!)See who else in the scrapbooking world that you can find participating in today's "Be Here Now" challenge and tell us where they are.Here's to the moment!  Enjoy!