Kolette Hall

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Planning With a Purpose Tutorial

Sledding for an Activity Days activity.Seems like a simple activity, right?  Even our simple activities need to have a plan in order to make them meaningful.  We can always make sure there is purpose in everything we do in Activity Days - not just the big events.The Planning With a Purpose model outlines steps to plan and carry out leadership responsibilities, activities and real life decisions.  I learned it while serving in the student government at BYU and have practiced it ever since. 


 Here is a step-by-step tutorial on how to use the Planning With a Purpose model.  And I'm using our sledding activity as the idea we are planning.Click here to see how we implemented it using two of our 11-year-old Activity Day girls as the leaders for our Snowman Glove Service Project.  This model shows Activity Days but it is ready to be used for Young Women, Young Men, Relief Society - or any kind of planning you are doing.


Thank you, BYUSA for teaching me this wonderful method of planning!  I am lucky and blessed to have practiced it for the last 20 years.

Planning With a Purpose Instructions Planning with a Purpose Instructions

Planning with a Purpose Notebook Cover - 8x11

1.  What do we value?Make a list of things that are important to us (you can use the download below if you choose).What does the handbook say our purpose is?What direction do we have from our bishop or other leaders?What are the needs of the people in our group?Holly & Sydney helped us decide on our values - use "guided practice" to help the youth learn how to do each step, including creating values. "Guided practice" can take the form of asking leading questions such as, "What does the handbook say our purpose is?  How should we included that in our values?"  It is ok to suggest ways to round out their thoughts to get a more complete end result.  That modeling is part of "guided practice."Whether you are training youth leaders or planning the activities yourself, use these same values while planning every activity.

  • We value accomplishing the Faith in God requirements.
  • We value everyone feeling included.
  • We value people coming.
  • We value making friends.
  • We value respect toward each other.
  • We value learning in a fun way (short lesson plus activity of some sort)

Planning with a Purpose Values Sheet Planning with a Purpose Values Sheet

2.  What do we want to have happen? (goals)Instead of asking, "What do we want to do?" always ask, "WHAT DO WE WANT TO HAVE HAPPEN?Refer to your list of values to help you answer this question - your values and goals should go hand-in-hand.For our sledding activity, this is what we came up with:

  • have fun practicing sledding
  • be safe
  • lots of girls to come and feel included

3.  How are we going to make this happen? (plans + implementation)Plan what you are going to do.  Always remember to look at the values to make sure it's really what you want to have happen.Ask: "How does this help us reach our goals of what we want to have happen?"If your plan doesn't meet your goals in a meaningful way, try something different.NOTE: Listen to the Holy Ghost as you plan.  The Holy Ghost can help us feel peace about our decisions and even help us formulate ideas for how to carry out what you want to have happen.Use this planning sheet or a piece of paper to make your plans.  (this download comes in 2 different sizes below the picture)

Planning With a Purpose Planning Sheet Planning with a Purpose Planning Sheet - Half Page Version

Planning with a Purpose Planning Sheet - Full Page 1

Planning with a Purpose Planning Sheet - Full Page 2

For the sledding activity, here is our plan:1.  Turn in permission slips (attach to calendar so parents have them already) - Sister Denny in charge2.  Meet @ Sister Denny's at 2:30 (wear snow clothes and bring sleds - put info on calendar + text reminder)3.  Sister Hall + Sister Denny will drive everyone to location (get other driver if necessary) - Sister Denny in charge4.  Sled for about an hour.  Holly + Sydney will monitor the experience and make sure each girl is feeling included, having fun, and a part of the group.  They will bring them into the group if necessary.5.  Go home - drop girls off at homes


4.  Evaluate the process and the implementationAsk yourself often:What DID we want to have happen?Is that actually happening / did that happen?Do we need to change something to get closer to what we want to have happen?How can we do that?This evaluation happens after the activity - it will help you plan future activities and build on what progress you are making along the way.  I encourage you to not skip this step!Give Planning With a Purpose a try!  You can do it!