Kolette Hall

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A Month of Firsts

Last year on October 1, Stacy Julian spearheaded a Blog Blitz that focused on celebrating "the present" where we each created a mini, mini scrapbook of our present life.  I think it's fitting that today, as she revisits this concept one year later, that our newest month of the Big Picture Scrapbooking workshop, "A Life Well Crafted" starts.  It is called "Pay Attention!" and it is all about embracing the window of time that we are living in, right now (click here to register).I have spent the last 12 months trying to savor and soak up the moments that make up our current life.  Everything has been new to us.  Everything has been a discovery process.  And I am grateful that we have been able to experience the joy that comes from "celebrating the present" that is each new day for our little family of three.I love my life.  It's not perfect.  We have struggles and health issues and days where things don't go our way.  But I still love my life and all that makes up this amazing adventure.  So, here's to savoring the present!  A gift we give ourselves.And instead of creating a scrapbook page about my experience, I decided to finally learn a new skill and share my current thoughts about this moment, this time, this little man, using Rhonna Farrer's collage storyboards.  They truly were easy to create using the instructions that came with the downloads.  All I needed was Photoshop and some digital photos and I was at it in no time.Cole, you are our present, our future and even our past.  You are the culmination of everything we love about life and so I celebrate you as you turn 8 months old this week.


Coleman, I feel like we have had a whole year packed into the last month when it comes to you.  You have grown and developed so much during September that it seems like you learn something new every other day.

Here are your top 12 firsts that have happened this month:

Cole at 8 months

#12.  rolling over both ways (thank goodness!)

#11.  sitting up on your own (mom's personal favorite because it means new-found independence)

#10.  stage 3 foods + mashed up table food + cheerios = one happy baby

#9.   finding your toes

#8.   discovering your favorite toy: an infant toothbrush

#7.   swimming like a little fish with your face in the water

#6.   holding your own bottle

#5.   that coughing/laugh/yell thing that you do these days - you definitely like the sound of your own voice

#4.   drinking from a cup with mom's help

#3.   your first tooth (that grandma had to come from the dominican republic to find!)

#2.   meeting uncle clint, uncle brandon and baby jack

#1.   the infamous one-armed soldier crawl that, after much hard work,  you mastered on your 8-month birthday

Cole at 8 months B

Cole, you are fun and interesting and determined to get moving.  We just can't get enough of you, little one.

Love, Mom