Kolette Hall

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Borah High We Pledge to Thee...

For the last month, I’ve been asked, “Why are you going to Jason’s 30-year high school reunion?”

I mean, they’re right.
Why would someone actually choose to go to someone else’s class reunion if they didn’t have to?

Maybe it’s because I know his school song and I don’t know one word of mine.🎵

Maybe it’s because we ate at Big Bun, their favorite lunch place whenever we were in Boise.🍔
(one cherry, scotch and soda, please...)

Maybe it’s because I’ve seen the videos of school assemblies and heard all the stories of RoboQuad.🤖

Maybe it’s because he started the Rowdies and gave 100% to cheering for the green and gold.

Maybe it’s because that’s where 44ever began.✊🏻💙

Maybe it’s because of the school counselor who helped him graduate on time with his class even though he broke his neck the summer before his sophomore year.👨🏻‍🎓

Maybe it’s because, after 30 years, he still wore a Borah Lions sweatshirt sometimes.🦁

Or maybe it’s because these people loved him before he broke his neck.
And they loved him after.✊🏻💙

Borah High School.
Class of 1989.
You’re pretty special to me.