Kolette Hall

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Book Cover Vote

Well, it worked.

I frantically scoured the internet for clothes.
I stressed about being able to curl my hair.
I worried about my makeup, my weight, my smile, my zit that appeared the day before.

Then Tori Hillyard did her thing.

And created a safe, open space for me to feel my best.
I had five outfits. She had me use them all.
Just so we had lots of choices for a book cover and other promo shots.

In the weeks leading up to the photoshoot, I felt pressure to get it right.
In the middle of it, I knew we would.

Tori nailed it.

Then I handed the photos off to Chris, my friend who started working for me almost 20 years ago when I had a business selling scrapbook supplies.
She is now a graphic designer, working for a publishing company.
Getting a book ready for publication is her specialty.
And even though our last work project together was many years ago, it felt great to step right back into a partnership.

Chris nailed it.

My team is making this happen.
Experts doing their part to keep me moving forward.

Now it’s your turn!
Will you help us?
We need your vote! Which cover option do you like the best?
#1? #2? #3?
Comment below – and give us a reason (or don’t).
I have my fave…I admit. But I really want to see which one rises to the top.
Thanks so much for being part of Team Hall.

It’s happening, Jason! Your dream is totally happening!